For our own products The quality is depend on the price,we have a lot of products items, also the Yiwu market ,Yiwu fair,Canton fair, Guangzhou market, Keqiao market...there are millions of booths and products, we always could meet with the best balance between quality and prices, but mostly lowest prices however suitable quality for we need to satisfy different customer’s requirements.
Yes, if you want to buy sth from China face -to-face get the lowest prices but good quality products, go to China go to us is the best way, you can send us your passport pics, flight number, so we could send you invitation letter for your visa at earlier date.
Yes, once you confirm your date to come to China, and get visa, we could make arrangement for Yiwu airport/Shanghai airport/Hangzhou airport pick-up and book comfortable convenient hotel at most discount prices.
Yes, our company is in the world commodity city YIWU,it’s just 15minutes driving to the market/exhibiton plaza , if you want to buy at small quantity but thousands of items, then go to us is your best choice. we could put all of items in our warehouse to one container and then ship to you together to save a lot of charges!
Yes, we cooperate with amazon sellers for many years on Amazon FBA sourcing FBA shipping service,Amazon label service or amazon FBA.
Yes, we could ship different products from different places and put all of them into fully containers(make the best shipment organization), and carefully checking each item's details specification such as colors,sizes,packing,quantity...and other quality importance, and do the customs clearance then send you only one sets of shipping docs to you.
We have different levels basis on your pcs of containers each year or each month, the more quantity the less cost level , So we will give you discount according to your containers so you can benefit more.